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Season’s Greetings! Wishing you and your loved ones joy, peace, and prosperity this holiday season. May the new year bring happiness and success to your life. Thank you for being a cherished part of our journey. Warm regards, City Telecom Inc
犯罪側寫專家方日進收到離奇求助電話,來電者竟來自未來,預告多宗殘暴兇案即將發生!日進夥同女幹探邢可嵐、法醫助理莊定勤,力圖阻止命案,兇徒卻早着先機下手⋯⋯日進終於知悉來電者的真正身份,並得知可嵐將身陷危機,以及自己的最終命運!然而,日進與未來來電者失去聯繫,殺手正向他們步步進逼!死亡的時鐘開始倒數,一宗又一宗難以破解的兇案接連發生,日進要跟時間競賽,盡快捉拿殺手,改變未來⋯⋯ 立即與城市電訊訂購TVB Anywhere+ 同步觀看更多TVB精采節目。
Season’s Greetings! Wishing you and your loved ones joy, peace, and prosperity this holiday season. May the new year bring happiness and success to your life. Thank you for being a cherished part of our journey. Warm regards, City Telecom Inc
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